Night Skies
Night Skies are a gamified generative art NFT in the Two Moons Universe.
The image itself is highly customizable, with 4 customization layers players are able to change themselves. This feature is called Composing. There are free options players can select from immediately, and potentially more unique customizations will be released in the future.
Once a player holds a Night Sky NFT, they can Stargaze. Stargazing will reveal a new star in their sky and can trigger visual progression on the customization layers. Each unique Night Sky can only be stargazed once every evening.
Minting a Night Sky passes up the user's timezone, which each individual NFT stores. During the daylight hours the sun will be up and players cannot stargaze, but at night in the minters timezone the stars are revealed.
The Night Sky NFT's art is generated on demand, every time the metadata is requested. Some NFT viewers will cache metadata, although most of them provide a way to refresh the data and load a new image.
Every Night Sky is generated on-demand, completely on-chain. There are multiple layers in the Night Sky:
There are unique two colors blended together across each Night Sky
Hundreds of stars cover the night sky in the background
As a player stargazes they will reveal new stars in the sky which will stay permanently
Each NFT has unique cloud coverage, and the density of the clouds is procedurally chosen based on the time
Sky Math
A customizable layer showing a players progress as they stargaze
A customizable layer to break up the image and allow players to customize the look of the night sky
A customizable layer allowing players to add unique collectables to their Night Sky
A customizable layer for the main focal point of the Night Sky
During the day the sun will be up and block the night sky from view
Every NFT knows the timezone it was minted in, so each NFT can evolve based on the minter's current time.
When a player holds a Night Sky in their wallet, they can Stargaze when the sun is down and the stars are visible.
Stargazing will reveal a new permanent star in their Night Sky. The act of stargazing is performed on the Night Sky NFT itself, and shared with all Composable designs so that the entire image can evolve and change as the player stargazes.
For example, one of the free default Focus layers is a unique constellation, which has a chance for every star in to be revealed as the player stargazes. The SkyMath layer also commonly updates based on the amount of times a player has stargazed, with the free default RingLine showing a new line every 5 times a player stargazes.
Example Night Sky, NFT #14
Last updated