Two Moons
Two Moons
Two Moons is a fantastical universe set in an alternative history version of the 1950s-1970s space race. Unprecedented collaboration between the super powers of the time enabled humanity to leap forward into the stars, and explore our solar system.
Game Systems
Two Moons is an ever growing universe, and new gameplay modules, systems, and collectibles are on the roadmap. Large systemic changes are tracked as Eras
in the Two Moons universe, as fundamentals will change when new technology is unveiled to the space program.
Game systems can be cooperative and competitive, and the solar system has mysteries of it's own players will discover as they explore.
Personalization and Customization is a key theme throughout Two Moons, so all systems will strive to support players making their own decisions about appearances and how to approach challenges.
The Two Moons universe is blockchain-based, giving players complete ownership of their assets and allowing them to leverage other blockchain systems, such as trading, selling, and loaning.
Two Moons will not have a primary game token, and is not play to earn. Depending on the legal landscape, there is room for a governance system to adjust system balance.
There are many playable systems in Two Moons, and a player's involvement and progress will be tracked through a mix of tokens and NFTs in their wallets.
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